Weekly TEK Tip: You’ve Got To REMOVE These from your Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone

Like it or not, device manufacturers LOVE to stuff your brand-new PC, tablet or phone full of “free” applications (they get paid to do it, so you’ve got a slim chance of getting one without a side of spamware).
Data Backup/Recovery, IT Security & Support, Virus Protection, Cyber Security Training, IT Support, Data Security, Cyber Security, Data backups, Computer security service in Walnut Creek, CaliforniaClutter is the enemy of a speedy PC, and outdated apps are a breeding ground for hackers; so if you’re not using a particular software on a regular basis, it’s best to REMOVE it completely. That way you don’t have it sucking up processing speed AND leaving the door open to hackers and malware. 

Have questions about cybersecurity or the technology at your company? We are here to help. Contact us for a free consultation. We are here to help. Implementing small changes into your cyber hygiene is a good start to enhancing cybersecurity. Want more tips? Don’t forget to follow us to learn more about IT security solutions and monitoring.

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Managed Technology Solutions, also known as ManagedTEK – IT Security Services & Monitoring, is a managed service provider that provides IT support and security solutions for businesses throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area. ManagedTEK, was founded on an urgency to empower and protect our community from the digital war on personal security and privacy. We focus and specialize in protecting businesses from falling victim to increasingly complex cyber threats. We use cutting-edge technology along with proven cybersecurity practices to provide support and protection for small businesses. Contact us today for your free consultation!